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BYD and research institutions to jointly develop driverless cars

2014-02-11 10:32:27

  Recently, BYD and Singapore Technologies Research Council (A * STAR) and Telecommunications Research Institute (I2R) signed a cooperation agreement to establish a joint laboratory to integrate their advantages in the field of electric vehicles and unmanned areas of joint research and development of unmanned electric vehicle technology to build the next generation of intelligent electric vehicles.

  Under the agreement, the two sides involved in joint R & D cooperation is not only a vehicle autopilot technology, but also the use of electronic wire system to achieve the vehicle brakes, steering and control of other automotive systems; would be based on the real-time vehicle condition, road conditions and other unmanned Driving an electric fleet monitoring and intelligent management, the development of unmanned vehicle management system.

About I2R

    Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), founded in 2002, under the Singapore Technologies Research Agency (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, referred to as A * STAR), Singapore's largest ICT research institutions. I2R focused on the task-oriented research to address major challenges facing local, dedicated to providing a strong and vibrant Singapore infocomm ecosystem. I2R to information systems, communication systems, media organizations (ICM) for the three strategic research areas mainly related to information technology, wireless communication systems, optical communication systems, interactive and digital media, sensor systems and signal processing and analysis. Relying on information systems, communication systems, media organizations three strategic platforms, have committed to the development of the entire value of information and communication technology solutions.
